– An expert and idea-thinker in his/her own expertise as a digital/print designer. – MUST be creative, appealing & relevant to the client’s customers – Designs must suit client’s branding…
I’m looking for someone who can deliver logos on a consistent basis to my clients. I will need a quick turn around time and you would communicate directly with the…
Design a new shroud part of weight machines: the shroud doesn’t have any actual function but to provide a shell to the weight system to make it safer and good-looking..
Hi I am looking for someone expert on ebay and amazon
Logo for our (Grocery) shop product.This logo must be provided in different formats and standard sizes: 1. Grey scale 2. Colored 3. Formats: JPEG/PNG Deliverables: 1. Logo 2. Development files…
looking for social media design expert who can help me create professional posts for my social medial channel
I need someone have basic graphic design for long term for my restaurant
Looking for someone who designs modern logos, delivers within 48 hours, and considers all aspects of brand in designing. Design is for an eye glasses company. Needs to integrate Sun…
We have restaurant, looking for someone to do some combo offers designs urgently.
Hello Freelancers, We are looking for a one stop solution for all our graphic design/presentation design needs, who can assist us in – daily web designing needs – graphic design…
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E-BussinessGate.com is the world’s largest freelancing marketplace work to connect businesses with great talent to work without limits and create economic opportunities so people have better lives.
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